Crafts – Lifestyle – Food

The Novelty of Kindness

Kindness is free, it feels great and others love it…then why has it become such a novelty?

We all have a skill, gift or trade that is not only valuable to you and your inner circle, but also to your community.

Some of us are good organizers, great cooks, amazing athletes and the like so why not share these gifts of show kindness?

Maybe you struggle with anxiety around people…show kindness virtually. Maybe your time is limited, show kindness sporadically and without a deadline. Don’t like the spotlight…show kindness anonymous.

One way that I show kindness is through my creativity. Despite initially wanting to sell my crafts I was unable to do so successfully. I then had to look at myself and determine why I love doing crafts. I found out that I do It for the love of my game and as an personal outlet. Once I realized that money was not my primary motivator, I began to make crafts for nonprofits, teachers and churches and my overall happiness flourished.

After changing my view on how I wanted to show kindness it has been an awakening to my creativity and happiness.

Challenge: How can you show kindness today?

– Dwan MH


Hi, I am Dwan Montgomery

I remember doing my first gift basket in 6th grade and since then crafts and I have had a wonderful love affair. I love doing cards which is how I spend a majority of my crafting time.

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